Folder State of the Basin Report


pdf 2022 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report (Full Version) Popular

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R-LOW_SOBR 2022_web-res.pdf

Full 148 page version of the 2022 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report -- detailed and written for a technical audience.  Contains information updated to December 31, 2021.  

The report outlines changes that have occurred since the last report in 2014, focusing on the primary areas of concern in the watershed of nutrients and algae, contaminants, climate change, aquatic invasive species, and erosion/water levels.  The report also highlights concerns about the health of the walleye fishery in the north end of Lake of the Woods and includes a new chapter on human health concerns in the watershed.

The 2022 SOBR takes first steps towards “two eyed seeing”, by bringing together views of priority concerns and solutions through an Indigenous lens with one eye, while the other eye sees through a Western science lens.

pdf 2022 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report (Overview Version) Popular

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Overview_R-LoW_SOBR_2022 web-res.pdf

The Overview report of 32 pages, written for a general audience, highlights key information summarized from the 148 page full 2022 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report, which is written for a more technical audience.

The Overview version highlights key changes that have occurred since the last report in 2014, focusing on the primary areas of concern in the watershed of nutrients and algae, contaminants, climate change, aquatic invasive species, and erosion/water levels.  The report also highlights concerns about the health of the walleye fishery in the north end of Lake of the Woods and includes a new chapter on human health concerns in the watershed.

The 2022 SOBR takes first steps towards “two eyed seeing”, by bringing together views of priority concerns and solutions through an Indigenous lens with one eye, while the other eye sees through a Western science lens.

pdf 2014 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report, Second Edition - 2014 (Full Version) Popular

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Full 228 page version of the Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report -- detailed and written for a technical audience.

pdf 2014 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report, Second Edition (Overview Version) Popular

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pdf 2009 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report (Web resolution) Popular

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